How To Work With Divine Timing

When we feel frustrated by our inability to manifest our desires, it often reveals underlying mental constructs—beliefs and perceptions that limit our creative power. One of the most fundamental, yet often overlooked limitations is our relationship with time. If your desired reality isn’t manifesting, it may be due to an attachment to time—whether dreaming of the future or dwelling in the past. A key aspect of manifestation, then, is surrendering your concept of time and aligning with Divine Timing.

The Future

The future, as conceived by the mind, feels predictable and safe because it exists solely within our mental constructs. But is the future truly predictable? No. Is it genuinely safe? For the mind, yes—because the future holds our dreams, aspirations, and ideals. It can become a fairy tale, a wonderland, or even an escape.

When we use the mind to dream, the vision has the power to pull us toward our desires. However, when we use it as an escape, our present reality remains unchanged, and we miss the chance to create meaningful transformation in our lives. The key to distinguishing between dreaming and escaping lies in what happens when we return to the present moment: are we free to act on those desires, or is our future tethered to the storylines of the past?

The Past

The past plays a huge role in keeping one’s identity safe because it is entirely predictable. It is the vibration, the frequency, through which we experience ourselves. This may explain why we often unconsciously recreate past traumas in the present—the mind doesn’t recognize new vibrations as easily as it recognizes the signatures of the past.

Yet, the past also plays a crucial role in shaping our future reality. It acts as fertile ground, giving rise to new desires—desires born from what was and what could have been. These desires propel us toward growth and transformation.

So now we have the future pulling us and the past pushing us toward our potential. Changing our past self into our future self requires diligence, fortitude, and a willingness to change the patterns and habits that led us to where we are now.

The Present

To move fluidly between the ‘potentials’ of your imagination and the here and now is the weave—the pull of the future, the push from the past, and the return to what is. Paradoxically, truly manifesting a desired reality depends on your ability to let go of both the past and the future, returning to the present moment unhindered. It involves an ebb and flow: the act of creating and then letting go, balancing control and surrender.

To co-create with the Divine, you must consciously shift from moments of power and intention to moments of humility and acceptance, knowing when to act and when to release your creations back into the flow of the universe.

But where does this space of alignment happen? It happens in a relaxed yet focused state—where you can tap into the source of your creative power: the Here and Now.

Origin of Manifestations: Where Do They Come From?

All things manifest from nowhere. This means it is essential to commune with nothingness: space, ground zero.

Meditation is, of course, the most common way to commune with nothing. However, there are other ways to fully touch the present moment. Some methods involve completely emptying the mind, while others require immersion in your environment, becoming one with it. In these moments, time dissolves, offering an experience of eternity—a concept famously explored in Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now.

Another approach is entering the flow state. This occurs when you immerse yourself in a challenging activity where concentration is perfectly aligned with action, creating a state of relaxed focus.

Whether through meditation, consciously applying awareness to each sensation, or fully engaging in the task at hand, you enter a space of mindfulness and flow. In this place, you open a portal for the Universe to offer its blessings, unobstructed.

In this space of alignment, creation occurs—free from the constraints of our expectations and open to the infinite possibilities of the Divine. Divinity flows only in the present, meaning that true creative energy, guidance, and inspiration arise when we are fully immersed in the now. This is what it means to give our desired realities over to the Divine—to work with Divine Timing. Surrendering to Divine Time means releasing our attachment to how and when things unfold. Conversely, refusing to bring your mind into these passive states restricts the weaving of a new reality, limiting the flexibility and beauty of your life’s design.

Ultimately, our relationship with time, the mind, and the Divine shapes our ability to create and manifest. Reflecting on the past or envisioning the future isn’t a problem; it’s a crucial part of the process. However, the key lies in letting go and surrendering to the present moment. This is one of life’s great paradoxes—when you release the attachment to what you desire, you create the space for it to arrive.

I’m proud of you…


For more information on meditation practices, check out Meditation and Chanting: Choosing the Right Practice for Your Energy.

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